The 2024 USCC Preliminaries are coming to The Roasterie!
We are excited to share that The Roasterie and Messenger Coffee Co. are official hosts for the 2024 US Coffee Championship (USCC) Preliminaries. The competition will be held from Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2023 at The Roasterie Factory (1204 W. 27th Street / Kansas City, MO 64108) and at Messenger Grand (1624 Grand Blvd / Kansas City, MO 64108).
We will be hosting the Roasters Cup Preliminary, and Messenger Grand will be hosting the Brewers Cup Preliminary and Coffee in Good Spirits Preliminary.
Registration opens on Aug. 14!
Important dates:
- Judges workshop: 9/29
- Brewers Cup competitor cupping: 9/29
- Launch Party: 9/29 from 6-10 p.m. at Café Corazon Crossroads
- Competition days: 9/30 and 10/1
- After party: 10/1
- And much more to come
Brewers Cup Preliminary
Register Online
- Each Brewers Cup Prelim will host 6-16 competitors. The Top 4 competitors from each Prelim receive a reserved spot at one of the CoffeeChamps Qualifying Competitions. During the Preliminary round, competitors will have 8 minutes to brew two sensory judges each their own brew of a host-provided coffee with an accompanying presentation that enhances the coffee experience.
- Hosted at Messenger Grand, 1624 Grand Blvd / Kansas City, MO 64108
Coffee in Good Spirits Preliminary
Register Online
- Each Coffee in Good Spirits Prelim will host 4-12 competitors. The Top 3 competitors from each Prelim receive a reserved spot at one of the CoffeeChamps Qualifying Competitions.
- At the U.S. CoffeeChamps Coffee in Good Spirits Prelims: Competitors will have 6 minutes to make 2 individual brewed coffee and alcohol cocktails for 2 taste judges. A Head Judge oversees all these judges but does not score. Competitors must use the provided compulsory coffee(s) and alcohol. Competitors will choose from 2 or more compulsory coffees in a blind tasting. Competitors will randomly select their primary alcohol by rolling a dice, picking a card, or spinning a wheel!
- Gin
- Whiskey
- Rum
Competitors may bring their own wares, if they would like. Hosts will have a small variety of manual brewing devices, filter media, and kettle(s), if competitors would like something specific they will need to bring their own.
- Hosted at Messenger Grand, 1624 Grand Blvd / Kansas City, MO 64108
Roasters Preliminary
Register Online
- Each Roaster Prelim will host 6-12 competitors. The Top 3 competitors from each Prelim receive a reserved spot at one of the CoffeeChamps Qualifying Competitions.
- For the 2024 season, U.S. Roaster Prelims competitors will pick up in person or be shipped 20 pounds of compulsory green coffee, they will roast it, and bring 2lbs to their Prelim. Their coffee will first be judged in a blind tasting. Competitors will give a short presentation on their coffee to their panel of judges, then serve their compulsory roasted coffee to the CoffeeChamps audience and attendees! Compulsory green coffee will be shipped to competitors 2-3 weeks prior to the competition. No substitutions are allowed. The registered competitor must be the one to roast and present the coffee. Any substitutions will result in disqualification.
- Hosted at The Roasterie Factory, 1204 W. 27th Street / Kansas City, MO 64108
These events are a safe space for ALL! We’re excited to welcome and celebrate coffee and the diversity in the industry.