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Ethiopia Natural

brown sugar, lemon, smooth and velvety

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Ethiopia Natural coffee bag from The Roasterie featuring a black matte packaging with turquoise label and vintage airplane design. Single-origin coffee from Yirgacheffe region, displaying artisanal branding and KC 93 emblem.

Ethiopia Natural

Type : single-origin

Roast : light

barista pouring milk into coffee


From the Banko Gotiti washing station in the legendary Yirgacheffe growing region of Ethiopia comes this hallmark Roasterie single origin offering. Our most uniquely delicious coffee, Ethiopia Natural is produced using the Natural processing method to dry and extract the seed (the bean) from the coffee cherry. This method allows the seed to Sun-dry while still remaining within the fruit of the coffee cherry; resulting in an explosive cup unlike any other processing method. 

Tasting Notes

Strong notes of lemon, brown sugar, and baking spices.